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Please note if you would like to book a face-to-face class please email feelbetter@active-eat.co.uk stating which class and we will email you the information.

 "Jenny combines technical expertise with an incredibly caring and kind nature. She has an amazing understanding of how the body and mind works which she combines with a tailored approach for each client having observed, listened to and got to understand each person as a unique individual.

She uses an holistic approach with her understanding of how body mind and spirit are connected to give us a feeling of well-being.

After a session with Jenny (be that an online relaxation session, a 1 to 1 session or a group session) I always feel flexible, relaxed and also very positive.

I would wholeheartedly recommend working with Jenny. She has worked wonders with me for which I am very grateful. I feel 20 years younger!." 


 "Active-Eat back care workshop really helped the way I feel about my back. As I am getting older my back has been giving me more problems and I hurt it about 6 months prior to the course, needing physiotherapy. I have a very active job and I felt fearful about my back pain affecting my ability to work.

Jenny's workshop taught me to appreciate my back and what it can do and also what I can do to take care of it. I have incorporated some of the movements she showed us into my daily yoga practice and this, I feel, has made my back stronger.

I have had back niggles and even more serious back issues since the workshop but I have been able to sort out those issues by going back to the excellent follow-up videos Jenny sent us and being more mindful about doing the exercises. This has kept my back moving and helped it to recover quicker. I now no longer feel scared about my back thanks to Active-Eat. I would highly recommend her workshops and would go to more myself.


 "I joined Jenny’s group earlier this year. At that point I had just had spinal surgery. I have several serious chronic health conditions and I thought I would not be able to do much in the way of physical activity again. I have always been a physically active person in the past and I must admit to struggling with my mental health because of the restrictions I have to live with.

Finding Jenny, and the two groups I attend, has had an immensely positive impact on my life. First and foremost, Jenny is a very warm and friendly teacher. She’s incredibly knowledgeable and takes the time to research the best way to improve movement and wellbeing for each class member and any disabilities they have.

The classes are such an important part of my week now and I really look forward to them. I feel the classes are just as vital as any medications I have to take. They have contributed to my happiness and positivity and I would not hesitate to recommend them.
